
Info for alumni

No matter how far you travel, 你与DU的关系仍然是社区的来源, connection and growth. Get information about alumni organizations, events, career and professional development and more.

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Explore alumni events

Alumni Organizations

DU alumni live in every U.S. state and 145 countries, so wherever you find yourself, you're near a fellow Pioneer.

  • Alumni Council

    DU’s Alumni Council is dedicated to serving the DU alumni population and fostering a lifelong relationship of mutual and enduring benefit between all present and future alumni of DU and the University.

    Alumni Council

  • Denver Alumni

    Our local chapter serves alumni on the Front Range and in the Greater Denver area and organizes events ranging from professional development seminars to happy hour gatherings. We also have a local Young Alumni group that keeps graduates under 30 involved with the University and the alumni community.

    Local networks

  • Alumni of ACTION

    我们的校友行动(倡导合作,通过包容性卓越, 拓展和网络)支持黑人, Asian, 土著和拉丁裔社区通过促进教育, advocacy and support. Alumni of ACTION bring together alumni and students of color to foster an inclusive community.

    Alumni of Action

  • National & International Networks

    杜克大学的校友网络非常广泛. Our regional chapters keep alumni connected to the University and to their fellow Pioneers through activities ranging from professional development events to volunteer opportunities. 分会遍布全国各大城市.

    National & international networks

  • Alumni Online Community

    Consult the Alumni Online Community to find old friends and make your own information available.

    Alumni Directory

  • DU Student Foundation

    The DU Student Foundation provides grants for projects intended to improve the student experience and promote sustainability. Current students partner with distinguished alumni to develop tomorrow's leaders. 该yzcca88游戏登录网址依靠外部捐款来推进这些项目.

    DU Student Foundation

Alumni Website


Visit Alumni Site

Alumni News

Cuisine & Community

Alumni Ben Jacobs and Matt Jones are working to address the severe lack of restaurants serving Native American food by fostering community, 通过他们的餐厅Tocabe了解和文化交流.

Learn More

yzcca88游戏登录网址校友Mohammad Javad Zarif
DU Alum Honored

University of Denver alumnus and Iran's minister of foreign affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif received the Chatham House Prize for his role in promoting international peace by helping limit Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Learn More

Career & Professional Development

Alumni Career & Professional Development is dedicated to helping our graduates succeed through all phases of their careers. By providing resources, 培训和与校友联系的机会, we ensure the DU community can flourish personally and professionally to improve the world around them.

Alumni Benefits

In addition to an array of opportunities for both professional development and social connections, 我们的校友可以享受许多其他福利. 校友可享受的折扣和福利包括:

  • 纽曼中心演出和体育赛事的折扣门票
  • 在库尔斯健身中心降低会员价格
  • Special offers and discounts at more than 40 businesses in the DU neighborhood through the DU Zone card
  • 通过DU书店购买可享受9折优惠
  • 首选合作伙伴定价 Schomp Automotive
  • 图书馆的借阅和借阅服务
  • 设施租金优惠

Alumni Resources

Volunteer Opportunities

We're proud to offer our alumni opportunities to contribute to the public good well after they've finished their college careers.

  • Our AmplifyDU news updates will deliver chances to volunteer directly to your inbox.
  • Pioneer Connect connects thousands of alumni and fosters the type of community that can band together to make a difference.
  • You can sign up for an interview through our Alumni Discovery Initiative and lend your knowledge to the next generation of graduates.

Want to get involved? 在校友周末期间加入我们的全球服务日. In addition, we provide interested alumni with the chance to stay informed about opportunities to participate in career coaching, event organization, 社区项目和其他各种志愿活动.


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