Research Overview

Making an impact—for the difference

ca88登录正确网址,我们赋予学生和教师解决我们这个时代具有挑战性的问题的能力. 参与学术研究使我们的学生有机会获得宝贵的经验,并在我们的实验室和社区中做出新的发现. 这就是为什么我们是最新被卡内基高等教育机构分类认定为非常高研究型大学(或“R1”)的原因, a distinction that means more opportunities for you, 对我们所服务的社区有更大的影响,对我们有更多同样伟大的研究.  

我们的关系和资源使我们能够为学生和教师研究人员提供资金和实验室,使创新成为可能. 将这些关系和资源与我们全校范围内对发现的奉献相结合,促进了超越传统界限的创新研究.

What Will You Discover?


Research Across Campus

无论你是在文科还是理科找到自己的目标, we’ll provide resources, support, and research opportunities.


Centers & Institutes

Discover new ideas and methods in social entrepreneurship, business, law, service learning, and sports-injury rehabilitation.


Health & Wellness

Help children cope with abuse and neglect, study new treatment methods for traumatic brain injury, 并改进用于治疗髋关节和膝关节置换的技术.


Society & Culture

Promote diversity and international peace initiatives, find new ways to approach and improve social inequities, and develop effective ways to teach young children mathematics.


Technology & Science

We're pushing the envelope in unmanned systems, manipulating light in new ways, and envisioning the future of energy transfer. 杜学生是屡获殊荣的研究贡献者和成功的衍生公司的创始人.


In The News



Our faculty constantly produce remarkable work.

探索我们的教师表彰书,了解更多yzcca88游戏登录网址最近在奖学金方面的成就, research and creative work.

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Solution-Based Research

We unleash the potential of autistic children, promote sustainability in our communities, and increase academic achievement in disadvantaged populations. 我们甚至找到了将法院从离婚案件中剥离出来的方法——这一创举后来演变成了自己的非营利组织.

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3-D Printed Artifacts

人类学教授邦尼·克拉克正在使用新的3d打印技术,让学生们体验一下研究古代文物的感觉. By printing 3-D models of ancient objects, 学生们可以对实物进行研究,而不用担心会伤害到一件独一无二的文物.

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Studying stem in ethiopia image
Studying STEM in Ethiopia

A PhD student in our Higher Education program, Meseret Hailu研究了埃塞俄比亚女性在本科STEM专业的持久性. Meseret采访了30名在埃塞俄比亚学习STEM的女性. 她还对275名女性进行了电子调查,以确保数据的可靠性.

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Undergrads Team with Nike

ca88登录正确网址学工程系本科生与耐克合作,评估运动鞋的稳定性. Combining medical science and engineering, their work could help reduce injury and improve performance.

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Students work in a research lab with faculty members

Research Funding & Support

杜每年投资超过100万美元用于支持教师和学生的研究项目. 校园里有五分之一的学生获得研究补助金, 教师和研究生每年带来超过2500万美元的外部研究资金. The support we offer isn't limited to the financial realm, 毕业生认为与教师一对一的研究互动是他们大学经历中最有价值的部分.

$40M Total research funding at DU is over $40 million.

275 DU is currently home to 275 funded faculty members.

$11m 研究生教学和研究助理津贴资助:$11,467,127

cta pattern

There's always more to know

Learn more about research at DU.

About DU Research

A Research Model That Benefits Everyone

Students gather around a robot they built
Work Alongside Corporations & Nonprofits

From Arrow Electronics to the Peace Corps, 科罗拉多州和世界各地的企业和非营利组织依靠我们的学生和教师来解决问题. 这些关系丰富了我们的研究社区,并使我们的学生能够发展他们将带入劳动力的技能和技术.

Students and professors work in a lab.
Our Research Advantage

作为一家私营机构,我们在进行高价值研究的同时保护企业的商业秘密. ca88登录正确网址对教师-学者模式的承诺意味着学生直接与教师一起解决问题. 我们的规模和资源使学生能够进行跨学科的研究.

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Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Corinne Lengsfeld

Senior Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Education