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Sié Center Engages in Study on Global Peace and Security

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University of Denver


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Two grants 来自纽约卡耐基公司的研究人员正在支持一项yzcca88游戏登录网址全球和平与安全的独特研究 Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy at the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies.

Funding for the grants, each totaling $1 million, is part of Carnegie’s “Bridging the Academic-Policy Gap” program, which is supporting two projects under the Sié Center study.

“纽约卡内基公司的两笔赠款帮助我们巩固了si中心对全球和平与安全的独特研究,” said Deborah Avant, chair and director of the Sié Center. “我们的研究侧重于对全球和平与安全至关重要的国家和非国家行为体, 并试图了解构成和平社区的许多不同方面.”

The first project — “Nonviolent Action in Violent Settings: Practices and Implications for Policy” — ended in 2016; the second — “Inclusive Approaches to Violence Reduction, Peacebuilding, 和治理:对实践的研究和影响”-将持续到2018年12月.

“我们的第一个项目创建了1990年至2014年非洲内战期间非暴力行动的数据集. 它包括所有旨在压制暴力或产生政治或社会变革的行动,” Avant said. “We also commissioned case studies of civil action by civilian groups, labor unions, businesses, international organizations, and local and transnational civil society groups in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Colombia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Northern Ireland, Peru, Rwanda, Spain and Syria.”

Deborah Avant
Deborah Avant

Additionally, Avant said, 第一个项目支持研究团队与各种政策参与者的重要参与, including government officials, corporate offices and resistance groups. As a result of the project, si中心建立了一个博士后项目,专注于研究政策和理解全球安全.

与这项研究相关的一本即将出版的书将重点关注政府的民事诉讼, civilians and armed groups, and how it can affect the course of a conflict, the degree of violence in different locales of a conflict, 以及在冲突中维持关系和信任的能力.

The second project is focused on inclusion, which is a key constitutive element of civil action, and its impacts on violence, peacebuilding, and governance.

根据研究副院长埃里卡·切诺维斯和助理教授玛丽·贝里的说法, this project consists of three research teams — one looking at gender inclusion and its impact on protests and peacebuilding; another collecting data with which to measure inclusion; and a third focused on inclusion as it impacts the capacities of communities to bargain with extractive industries operating in their midst.

“This research program has the potential to reveal whether, when and how inclusive processes in governance, business, peacebuilding and civil society lead to more peaceful, just and prosperous societies,” Berry said.

该项目的另一个目标是允许该中心继续参与政策, post-doc programs, public outreach and other initiatives. 公共宣传活动的一部分包括最近的国际妇女节小组讨论,该小组强调了丹佛妇女在困难时刻促进包容的工作.

“我们希望它还将有助于启动一项新的‘包容性全球领导力倡议’(IGLI),将代表性不足的群体带到杜里,以培养他们的领导潜力。,” Chenoweth said. “Given our current politics, 我们还借此机会利用我们的公共论坛来研究更贴近家庭的包容性.”

Erica Chenoweth
Erica Chenoweth

IGLI’s first Summer Institute, scheduled for Aug. 27-30, 并将接待来自世界各地的12名妇女活动人士,她们目前正在参与促进和平的民间抵抗运动, human rights, and freedom. 这将是第一次将边缘化社区的一线活动人士带到yzcca88游戏登录网址参加民间抵抗的培训和对话研讨会,预计这将成为一年一度的传统.

“入选2017年暑期学院的女性将根据她们对利比亚和平等问题正在进行的运动的杰出贡献被邀请参加, displacement in Colombia, government corruption and violence in Burundi, indigenous rights in India, and women’s rights in the U.S.,” Berry said.

During the workshop, activists will have the chance to meet one another, share stories about their particular struggles and successes, 并接受一些世界上非暴力公民抵抗运动的顶尖专家yzcca88游戏登录网址最佳战略和战术的培训.

它还为前线活动家提供了一个机会,与学术研究人员分享对他们的活动最有用的数据或分析类型,以弥合学术之间的差距, activists and policymakers. 两项活动将向公众开放,包括晚间讲座和电影放映.

“这些社区活动反映了我们的目标,即将yzcca88游戏登录网址打造成全球女性领导力对话的主要召集人,” Chenoweth said. “In 2018, our plans will expand. Through an open, competitive application process, 我们设想将30多名活动人士带到校园,参加为期7天的研讨会, which will allow more time for the essential work of sharing, learning, and networking with other activists around the world.”