
我们知道,家长往往是资助学生上大学的关键合作伙伴. 我们欢迎有机会帮助您和您的学生, but we also encourage you to be proactive 和 talk to your student about budgeting 和 planning as they are ultimately responsible for managing their financial aid.



We're committed to the safeguarding 和 accurate maintenance of student records. 的 Family Educational Rights 和 Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 provides students with a number of rights regarding their educational records. One of those rights is the option to consent to any release of their educational records. 像这样, we're unable to release information like grades 和 financial aid information to parents without the student's consent.



To maximize available financial aid resources 和 to be considered for all types of funding, 你的家人应该 申请经济资助 每年的10月1日之后,越快越好. 回顾我们的 完成FAFSA和CSS配置文件的提示 来帮助简化这个过程!

想了解更多信息? 看看 经济援助101, an email series designed to help prospective students 和 parents fully underst和 the financial aid process at DU.



开学前10天, aid for the quarter will disburse to your student's account 和 will pay toward their charges, 只要满足了所有的经济援助要求.

如果你的学生的经济援助超过了他们的总费用, 他们可能有资格获得退款,以支付其他不可计费的费用. 退款通常由 O学生账单办公室 付款后2-3个工作日.

If you borrowed a 家长PLUS贷款, any refund owed will be sent directly to you via mailed check. 然而, if your student's financial aid (without the PLUS loan) is greater than the bill, 这些多余的资金将首先直接退还给学生. 的n, the additional PLUS loan amount will be refunded to you unless otherwise requested. 如果您希望从家长PLUS贷款中退款给您的学生, 请ca88登录正确网址的办公室提出要求.

参观 O学生账单办公室 有关帐单和付款的更多信息.



Our policy is to require financial information from both biological/adoptive parents of students when applying for financial aid. 的 保管的父 is expected to provide income, asset 和 other information on both the CSS Profile 和 FAFSA. 的 无监护权的家长 is also expected to provide information on a separate CSS Profile application. 如果父母中的任何一方再婚,则必须包括继父母的信息.



本科生联邦直系父母贷款(家长PLUS贷款) is a credit-based loan available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. 学生不会在他们的奖状上提供这笔贷款. 家长必须通过以下途径另行申请此项贷款 Student援助.政府 并且可以借到学生的总数 出勤费用,减去所有其他经济资助.


  • 资格

    的 家长PLUS贷款 is available to credit-worthy parents of dependent undergraduate students who have submitted a FAFSA, 无论经济需要如何. 要获得批准,父母必须没有不良信用记录.


    • 总余额大于2美元的一笔或多笔债务,085 that are 90 or more days delinquent or that have been placed in collection or charged off (written off) during the two years preceding the date of the credit report.
    • Having been subject to any of the following conditions during the five years preceding the date of the credit report:
        • 默认的决心
        • 在破产中清偿债务
        • 丧失抵押品赎回权
        • 收回
        • 税收留置权
        • 扣发工资
        • 注销一笔联邦学生援助债务


    • 至少24岁.
    • 结婚了.
    • 有孩子.
    • 研究生.
    • 一位资深.
    • 军人:武装部队的一员.
    • 孤儿、法庭监护人或无家可归者.

    If none of those apply, they are considered to be dependent for federal student aid purposes.

  • 拒绝时的选项


    • 与信誉良好的担保人重新申请.
    • Appeal the denial with the Department of Education if there are extenuating circumstances related to your credit history that you can document.
    • 联系 us, as your student may be eligible for an additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan.

    Thumbnail of What does adverse credit history mean in terms of applying for a PLUS Loan? 视频播放列表:加上贷款拒绝选项

  • 利率及费用

    利率: 家长PLUS贷款s offer interest rates that remain fixed for the life of the loan.

    • 在2024-25学年期间的贷款: 9.05%
    • 2023-24学年的贷款: 8.05%
    • 2022-23学年的贷款: 7.54%

    Interest accrues while the student is in school, during any grace period, 和 during repayment. 如果你愿意,你可以随时支付利息. 未付利息将在还款开始时资本化.

    融资费用: A loan origination fee is deducted at the disbursement of each installment of the loan. 对于在10月10日或之后首次付款的贷款. 2020年10月1日及之前. 1、2024年,费用为 4.228%.

  • 如何申请

    如欲申请,请浏览 Student援助.政府. 在“贷款和助学金”下拉菜单下,点击“PLUS贷款”链接.

    一旦您开始贷款申请流程,将进行信用检查. If you were initially denied the 家长PLUS贷款 but have since qualified by obtaining an endorser or documenting extenuating circumstances, 您还需要完成PLUS咨询通过 Student援助.政府.

    一旦你被批准, the Department of Education will send confirmation of your loan approval 和 the details of the requested amount. 的 loan will be added to your student's financial aid offer after processing.

  • 还款

    还款在最后一次支付贷款后60天开始. 然而, repayment can be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time 和 for an additional 6-month grace period after the student graduates. Payments are made to your Direct Loan servicer [link to 毕业 和 还款] each month. 最低还款额是50美元, 但根据借款总额的不同,这个数字可能会更高.

    的 st和ard repayment period is 10 years but can be as long as 25 years depending on total borrowing 和 chosen repayment plan.

    家长PLUS贷款还款选择的缩略图 视频播放列表:家长加贷款还款选项


有时, 在你的学生收到他们的经济援助offer之后, 你的家庭经济状况可能会发生意想不到的变化. In these circumstances, you may appeal for a re-evaluation of your student's aid. All special circumstances requests must be approved by the 金融援助 Appeals Committee, 和 appeals are processed only when an initial award letter is issued 和 all additional documents are received.




学习经济援助的基本知识——从如何组织起来开始, 可提供的援助类型, to how financial need is determined—with our high school FAFSA night presentation.

> Download the Presentation


