Black Community Initiatives

我们黑人社区倡议的使命是努力提升yzcca88游戏登录网址的黑人和社区. We are guided by the question, “How can we ensure that Black-identified faculty, staff, 学生们不仅选择了ca88登录正确网址,而且在这里感受到了深刻的主人主人感和归属感?“我们努力通过提供资源,使yzcca88游戏登录网址成为黑人社区成员茁壮成长的目的地, community engagement, and programming that celebrates Black life, culture, and history. As an initiative, 我们致力于通过促进修复来解决黑人社区面临的具体挑战, justice, and equity. 我们致力于教育更大的大学社区,为黑人学生创造机会, faculty, staff, alumni, and external community members to connect, engage, and build relationships that foster success.

As part of its DEI action plan, DU continues to commit resources 以解决历史上对黑人社区成员的不一致和不平衡的支持. 通过这些努力的主要目标是将黑人及其在整个大学文化和结构中所带来的一切纳入其中. 我们的目的是,我们的黑人社区的成员可以毫无歉意地把他们完整和真实的自我带到这个机构,在成为yzcca88游戏登录网址发展和卓越的重要组成部分的同时茁壮成长. 我们努力为他们单独和集体地这样做创造空间, now and into the future. 

John Miller, IV, M.E.d.

Associate Director of Black Community Initiatives, DEI

John Robinson Miller

Son. Brother. Uncle. Friend. Mentor.

约翰·米勒四世(他/他)是yzcca88游戏登录网址黑人社区倡议的新任副主任. As an inclusion educator, 他试图为其他人创造一个肯定的环境,以建立他们对文化谦逊的理解. 他还利用祖传的激进黑人想象力,倡导在压迫制度下的少数群体的解放.

John's professional philosophy is centered on the Ubuntu proverb, “I am because you are and, since you are, therefore, I am.” As a person-centered, intersectional practitioner, he is passionate about Black identity, organizational transformation, immersive programming, and integrating the Arts into his practice. His life motto is “Adinkrahene. AYA. Sankofa.” (Lead. Endure. Remember.)

Originally from Charleston, SC, 约翰的一生都从坚强的黑人妇女身上获得了基础. 约翰拥有高等教育管理硕士学位和心理学学士学位,主修艺术创业, both from North Carolina State University. Before this role, John brings a wealth of experience from Duke University, North Carolina State University, Elon University, and the University of Colorado Boulder.

Any questions can be directed

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Black Community Initiatives Newsletter Sign Up

BCI双周通讯是查找BCI或黑人社区成员即将举办的节目和活动的地方. 你也可以了解更多ca88登录正确网址的其他社区参与和教育机会.

Sign up now!

  • June 20th, 11:30am - 1:00pm | "Now What?"小组讨论:探索我们的关怀伦理和在杜黑人社区的地位
    Juneteenth graphic; details showcased with people cheering as the image

    "Now What?"小组讨论:探索我们的关怀伦理和在杜黑人社区的地位

    June 20 | 11:30 AM- 1 PM

    Location: Anderson Academic Commons 340

    Join us for a thought-provoking panel, "Exploring our Ethic of Care and Place for Black Communities at DU," as part of our Juneteenth 2024 celebration. 深入探讨yzcca88游戏登录网址为培养黑人社区的培养环境和归属感所做的持续努力. 探讨关怀伦理在解决黑人个人和社区的需求和愿望方面的重要性, 以及营造场所倡议在促进包容和赋权方面的作用."

  • May 30th, 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Black Communities End of Year Celebration

    加入我们的第一届黑人社区年终庆祝活动由黑人社区倡议与黑人校友亲和网络(BAA)合作举办, Black@DU, Black Student Alliance (BSA), African Student Union (ASU), 以及全国黑人工程师协会(NSBE)的DU分会 May 30 from 6:30-8:30 PM in Anderson Academic Commons 290. 这次活动将是一个充满活力的社区,文化和联系的夜晚. 让我们一起纪念我们的过去,庆祝我们的现在,展望我们的未来. 该活动对所有想要庆祝杜黑人成就的社区成员开放. You do not have to be graduating. Faculty, Staff, and Alumni are welcome as well.

    We hope to see you there! 由于座位有限,今晚需要RVSP. There will also be dinner served and a bar. 

    Any questions? Email du.bci@edu

  • March 20th, 2024, 7:30pm | Sphinx Virtuosi - Community Event

    Sphinx Virtuosi – March 20th, 7:30pm

    Newman Center event flyer


  • January 16th, 下午5:30 - 6:45 |一起呼吸:yzcca88游戏登录网址种族正义的对话+月亮温柔瑜伽|与Urban Sanctuary合作

    沉浸在宁静中,以30分钟的对话为中心,围绕种族愈合,培养你的健康,然后是由shan Lamping主持的月亮温柔瑜伽课. Designed to soothe both the body and mind, this class gently guides you through a series of restful postures, encouraging deep relaxation and enhanced flexibility. Immerse yourself in a serene atmosphere, 让平静的姿势和有意识的呼吸恢复你的精神,让你感觉集中和恢复. 建议穿舒适的衣服,带上瑜伽垫(有提供的)和水瓶.  

  • January 16th, 上午11:30 -下午1:00 |种族愈合日专题小组:建立联盟的关键对话

    Join us on January 16, 2024, 从上午11点半到下午1点在yzcca88游戏登录网址举行马丁·路德·金特别纪念活动. Celebration event – Day of Racial Healing Panel. 参加一个启发性的午餐和学习会议,让我们的社区成员分享见解,促进种族联盟建设的关键对话. Enjoy a delicious meal provided by a local Black-owned caterer. Let's honor Dr. King's legacy by advancing dialogue and solidarity. 


Black Community Initiatives Video Playlist

Visit the BCI YouTube page to watch all past recorded events! 

Visit the BCI Playlist here

Watch the newly uploaded Towards Black Freedom Panel


DEI Action Plan


View the DEI Action Plan here